DITA – Digital Industry Training Atlas / The Interactive EU Map of Digital Transformation Training Providers


DITA sorgt für Transparenz über diejenigen europäischen Schulungsprogramme, die sich den kritischen Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation widmen.

Dabei soll auch die Verknüpfung der Weiterbildungsprogramme in Europa gefördert werden und gleichzeitig den Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern der Zugang zu Weiterbildungsprogrammen und -möglichkeiten erleichtert werden.

Angesprochen werden Schulungsorganisationen mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Transformation – sowohl im technischen als auch im Soft Skill-Bereich – um die Zielgruppen

  • EU-Arbeitskräfte, die nach Weiterbildungs- oder Umschulungsmöglichkeiten suchen,
  • Europäische KMU, die bereit sind, ihre Position im neuen digitalen Zeitalter zu stärken,

zu unterstützen.

Project description

The aim of the Digital Industry Training Atlas (DITA) is to connect the digital transformation training landscape in Europe. DITA provides visibility to the training programs offered in Europe through an accessible, online catalogue. The catalogue displays the connections established between training programs and their organizations. A map helps end-users to immediately identify and connect with the most relevant training organizations. DITA’s target groups are:

  • training organizations tackling the challenges of digital transformation by providing training programs in technical or soft skill domains
  • EU’s workforce looking for upskilling or reskilling opportunities
  • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Europe that are willing to strengthen their position in the new digital era.

The Intellectual Outputs will provide evidence of:

  • who is focusing on training in the field of digital transformation in 15 European countries
  • which kind of offer is already available and which complementary initiatives have been put in place in Europe
  • how you may get in touch with training organizations and how professionals may apply to one or more courses
  • the connections established by DITA among complementary training organizations in Europe.



01.10.2019 - 31.10.2022


Nerosubianco srl
Consorzio Intellimech
Mind Consult & Research GmbH
Flanders Make VZW
Desarrollo de Estrategias Exteriores S.A. (Grupo DEX)
Instituto Pedro Nunes


Agenzia nazionale Erasmus+


